When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

My desi girl.......

There's something heartwarming about seeing people embrace something outside of their culture, especially when that culture happens to be yours. There's nothing narrow minded or conservative about that feeling - we've all experienced that smile that lights up faces when you, as a foreigner speak even a few words in someone's native tongue.
I exchanged a few words in Japanese once with a few ladies that were a part of a tour bus full of Japanese tourists when sightseeing in Vancouver, Canada. They were so thrilled, they all clapped for me!!!!
Today I met Ms.K who's originally from Poland and is married to an Indian from Madhya Pradesh. What caught my attention was the beautiful mangalsutra she proudly wears around her neck.  The chunky black and gold beads had me doing a double take. Most Indian women these days choose to wear one selectively (on festivals and important days) or go without one. While wearing a  mangalsutra is now a matter of personal beliefs and choice, and I am not arguing for or against it,  it was cute to find a non desi wear it with such elan. She was also very kind to pose for me - thank you K, for also bringing me out of blogging hibernation for almost a year now.