When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

First day of first grade

School started this week.  On the first day DD brought home, among other things, a small Ziploc bag filled with sundries- a small cotton ball, a sticker, an eraser, a yarn and so on.  As I was wondering what all these meant I found this note.
It was so touching. As adults we find it hard to get back to work after a vacation, why- even a long weekend. I can only imagine what getting back into the school routine after 8-9 weeks must be like for the young-uns. This kind of a start definitely must put the kids' fears at rest and ease them into an exciting and fun-filled new school year - make them want to make new friends,  to be caring and sensitive to the feelings of their friends, to share, to forgive and so on. I was really impressed by how almost every single line stresses on the emotional component of the journey together - of feeling happy and warm in this place away from home and of watching out for each other and comforting and supporting one another.  There was no mention of how this year is crucial to their academic success and and that the children must study for at least 2 hours every day - read and write and do their math- or else they will be doomed.
    As far as I can remember every single class I have been in ( I've gone to three different schools between grades one and ten), my teachers always mentioned two things - 1) how that year was very important and that if we didn't put in the effort, we would go to dust and somewhere by mid year(2) how we were the worst batch they had seen in their 23 or whatever years of experience - the most indisciplined, unruly set of girls. In talking to our seniors and juniors we realized these comments were repeated for every single batch.
    As I came to the end of the note, I thought to myself - in order to bring out the best in someone, they need to become comfortable and relaxed first. Once that happens, fears are banished, confidence shines through and one does not hesitate to ask questions or share their point of view. More importantly, with this kind of a lesson being the foundation to their new school year, kids (hopefully) will learn to empathize with people around them and resolve conflicts between them with fairness and understanding.  Isn't that one of the main reasons they go to school ? To learn to work with others. This will automatically lead to an environment where children can thrive intellectually.  I don't know what these kids will be taught for the rest of this year. But this sure is a great Segway to the beginning of a new chapter.