When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

As the years go by....

When he seemed to have forgotten the word romance
As each day I gave us another hopeful chance
While he seemed to be at ease with pragmatic logic
I desperately looked for some spontaneity and magic

Many moons came and went after our honeymoon
Today he no longer makes me swoon
An unsung hero, like a soldier at the border
He gives my capricious crazy self, a rhythmic order

In times of crises, he's been by my side
Without saying a word, he's carried me over many a tide
Like a vital organ chugging away without praise
He orchestrates our life in big and small ways

That hopeless romantic in me is still alive
But I think I've  tamed her, so real love can thrive
The many moments where two people encourage, support and fight it out
Form the beautiful landscape that a true relationship is all about !

Happy Wedding Anniversary to my dear husband!