When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

La-loo episode

This evening when I went to pick up DD at day care, as usual I took her to the restroom. She is fiercely independent and insists on not getting any help from me. I comply. As she was washing her hands at the sink outside the bathroom, another mom asked me how old she was. Many times I get that from other moms who are pleasantly surprised to learn my 2 1/2 yr old is potty trained and goes about her activity in restroom all by herself, including washing her hands with soap and drying them with a paper towel and disposing it off properly. I smiled in the 'proud mama' moment. Before the curve of my smile could straighten up DD started  pulling out more sheets of the paper towel. I gently chided her, reminding her to not waste paper, when she goes "One for me, one for appa and one for amma". I winced in pain, while the other moms giggled. With kids the grin-to-grimace transition happens instantaneously. I pleaded and coaxed in vain for her to let go of the paper. She gripped them close to her torso and walked away with conviction. I followed shaking my head at the 'helpless mama' moment.


  1. At first glance I seriously thought this was going to be about the former railways minister of India!! DD is keeping it real and not allowing you to get complacent eh? ;-)
    Someday I shall tell you about the umbrella dance episode.

  2. Wow! 2.5 yrs and doing everything by herself - impressive, mom!

  3. Sree, thanks! After all she's your namesake, innit? At school this is fine, but sometimes this independent streak is a headache than something to be happy about.
