When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

Mall stories

This past weekend, DH, DD and yours truly found ourselves in a shopping mall as part of running errands. I was in the women's apparel section of a store , alone for barely a few seconds, when as I have come to expect these days, at the most inopportune of moments, my daughter started to squeal "pee pee".  I turned to find DH carring her in his arms approaching me with the expression of someone handing over the baton to the next runner in the Olympic relay race. Obviously, I have to drop anything I am doing to heed to that call. I followed the signs to the restroom which is usually at the farthest , remotest corner of the store from where I'd usually hang out. Like George Costanza from Seinfeld who knew all about restrooms in different parts of the city, after potty training my daughter, I am now aware of decent restrooms in a few public places that I was blissfully unaware of, prior to motherhood.
 Upon reaching the ladies' restroom, I knocked the door as I wasn't sure whether it was a multiple stall or a single toilet situation. As I knocked I leaned on the door which gave way since it was unlocked. At the same time a young woman from one of the stalls answered , "Yes", to which I responded, " I was just checking, thank you". I proceeded to an empty stall with my daughter as I heard the woman go, "Is there a purse there? "
Puzzled I looked out at the sinks and the floor area and let out a "Uhh I don't see anything here."
She : "Go in the one which has an activation sticker "
Further alarmed as my daughter was almost wrapping up her business there, I wasn't sure what this woman was saying and if she mistook me for someone she might have been expecting - a friend or someone.
Me : " I am not the one you think you are talking to"
She : Pardon!
Me : I think you mistook me for someone else.
She : Eh, I am on the phone....
Me : Oh sorry, I apologize!
DD : She's not talking to you, amma!
Me : thinking to myself - Right, that's the icing on the cake.
I helped DD wash up and tried to exit before the lady could catch sight of me.


  1. You can publish a book on bathroom stories. :-)

  2. Wait till your son is potty trained, you'll have plenty to share on this topic too :-)

  3. It always comes at the most inopportune time, doesn't it! For us, with my 4 year old, it is always when we sit down to eat at a restaurant, order the food, the aromas drift toward the table as the waiter brings our order hot and sizzling, then 'pee-pee' or even worse, the dreaded 'poo poo'!
