When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

Somebody, stop me!

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
But the mind is like a rolling stone with magnet on one side and fevicol on the other, picking up everything in its way. As if the wandering mind and its stiff resistance to stay focussed weren't enough, we now have the  internet - a galaxy of information explosion through which the mind rolls on uncontrollably.
I spend a lot of time on the internet, I seriously need to wean myself off that and exercise some discipline. I have become this person who - if I need to clean out my closet and have forty five minutes to do so, will first starty by googling 'How to organize your closet' - from there jump to
House plants - A simple, satisfying way to decorate your living space - to
How to grow Orchids - to
Dealing with your toddler's tantrums - to ..... and an hour and twenty minutes have passed and I have not lifted a finger except to click my mouse button!
My God!
   If I make myself stop reading about movies and filmstars , then I find I am suddenly addicted to something else. The topic of interest varies - it's recipes or yoga or child rearing and so on.
I keep trying to straighten this , but like a grandparent that spoils a child, undermining the parent's efforts at disciplining, the internet thwarts my every resolve. It's a web no doubt, I am snarled and it's world wide, where can I escape to? As Jim Carrey says in Mask - Somebody, stop me!


  1. Supriya :-)14 May, 2010

    go on DIGITAL DIET for good..as the meaning is straightforward from the name itself..dont try to google/internet to find out more information about it. Just do it..Focus it for a day or two or a week or just for a weekend, whatever you decide..just do it & I would certainly love to hear back from you about your digital diet feel!!!

    Your Bday Pal,

  2. But dear Bday Pal, diet means a balanced regulated intake and not a complete cut down, right? So he he, I am still allowed some Facebook time and visits to a couple of other websites, or not?
