When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

Que Sera Sera

I have no fixed idea or plan for what my daughter should be when she grows up. My parents gave me the freedom to choose my path and never forced any of their children into or away from any field. My daughter certainly will have more choices and more challenges (ouch!)than I did , when she grows up.  I hope she has the maturity and awareness to recognize her calling and go for it. The reason I am talking about career choices for my toddler is : she found a long piece of white foamboard left over from a home decoration project. It's a 5ft by 1/2ft long rectangular piece. She was holding it in her hands and shaking it around ( it's very light). After a couple of times, she started swinging it and shaking it jumping up and down. She called out to me to see what she was doing. I instantly knew she was trying to mimic the people who stand at busy intersections on weekends and shake signs advertising a new restaurant or housing community. She's seen many a sight like such with amusement, wearing a huge grin on her face. This childhood excitement is okay, but I could hardly picture my child waving and shaking advertisement signs on street corners!!! I quickly shook her out of it with the generous offer of a candy and watching 'Curious George' on TV without asking for it. I don't know if I am simply attaching too much meaning to a simple act. That foamboard is going to disappear until I can figure out a good way to use it.

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