When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

Au revoir!

Excited and a bit nervous about forthcoming trip!!!! Going to India for the first time with husband, first time with daughter! That's going to be interesting! Accounts of my travails - err.. travels will follow!!!!
After a 5 day layover in Dubai, we'll proceed to Bangalore, our headquarters.
A Tirupathi tonsure trip, a madras visiting-relatives-and-shopping trip, parents' Sashthiaptha poorthy aka 60th wedding - a big misnomer! - the second wedding ceremony for a couple when the husband turns 60 - no season or reason to suddenly become unabashedly polygamous!, a Tanjavur, Kumbakonam temple trip...Visiting uncles, aunts, cousins, friends; extended relatives visiting us to see my daughter!
I have been advised/cautioned about possible sicknesses my daughter can develop - maleria/typhoid/stomach upset!
We have to eat at a few relatives' houses, we have a small list of restaurants we have visited in the past and want to go again to and a few places that are new to us and highly recommended. My mother and my husband's mother are waiting to make savouries for their grandchild! Hubby and I have discussed a day by day agenda of our trip a few times, each time it keeps getting modified. Our parents already take issue with parts of our loosely drafted programme!
I must remember to take deep breaths, not be overwhelmed and tackle shopping, daughter, husband-during-journey, husband-after-landing-in-India( most certainly 2 different entities), parents, in-laws, out-laws, on-the-fence-laws, break-the-laws - without getting flustered! So help me God!

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