When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way— Wayne Dyer

Day 1 -

Happy Independence day!!!!

Breakfast :1 cup coffee ,1 whole wheat sandwich with almond butter

mid morning snack : 1 cup coffee and 2 figs

lunch : pita chips with guacamole, 1 serving of  brown rice with ridge gourd and lentils curry

evening snack : 5-6 almonds, 5-6 walnuts, a cup of coffee

dinner : a small bowl of vegetable soup, whole wheat sandwich with hummus and a few pita chips with guacamole, a small cup yogurt and 1 cup grapes

Exercise : None :-((((

In summary : Must get a workout in tomorrow, felt very bad about not being able to do it today. Coffee without sugar made me somewhat irritable and tired. Dinner should have been early, but was at about 9 pm today.  Murphy's law - Hubby brought home many sweets - coworkers returning from India gave away a lot of sweets. Was a little hard at 7:30 pm to see hubby and DD savor the pedas slowly and sadistically! I swept the kitchen floor more furiously and left the place. Biggest pat on my own back : resisted Tirupathi laddoo which is my all time favorite sweet. Made DH put a half in the freezer for me, didn't want him to save any other treats. Lord Venky, please give me the strength to persist. Defintely announcing this to the whole wide world has made me stay serious ,focussed and accountable.


  1. Good Start Suja! Keep going ...
    Coffee and tea minus the milk and sugar gives me an instant boost.
    Lemon flavored green tea has the sweetish taste without the sugar and boosts metabolism for the next couple of hours( so does black tea and black coffee). Do give it a try.

  2. Thanks Hema! I have a very hard time even imagining black coffee, I think I'd much rather give up coffee itself. Flavored teas - yes! I think I like them. Green tea does taste like kashayam, but other flavors like lemon chamomile and orange flavored ones- I remember liking them when I tried em. Thanks for the tip Hema, I'll stock up on them on my next grocery errand.

  3. Sorry just saw your reply. :) If you would much rather give up coffee than drink it black, you should.:-PP Seems to me you drink it for the taste more than the caffeine kick.( which is required most times with 2 kids- Its the caffeine which is important to keep my sanity ...cant afford to load up on unnecessary calories:-))
